Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Love Florence

I meant to get this blog going the day I arrived in Florence, but I guess I was having too much fun exploring the city!  I've been here for three full days now, I am beginning to get settled in here.  I absolutely love it here... the city is beautiful, the people are all really friendly even though I don't speak their language.  It's apparent to me now after living here for just a few days that people in the United States are generally unhappier than people here.  Here in Florence, you can walk into just about any cafe, bar, or restaurant, and the person who greets you will have a smile on.  People just have a better energy. 

My roommates and I met an American girl working at one of the cafes today.  She had moved here when she was 12 with her parents so she basically grew up here.  It was really nice to meet someone who lives here who speaks perfect English.  All of us were so eager to ask her questions about the city, basically all the questions we had wanted to ask someone all along, like the best places to eat and shop.  I think I sort of understand what the Spanish-speaking people in the US feel like when they finally meet someone from their home country.  All of a sudden you just become much more comfortable in a place that is otherwise so foreign. 

Wellllll I guess that is it for now, time for bed... going to the beach tomorrow at Viareggio!

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